Organization Chart
Company Organization
The organization chart for Construcciones Felipe Castellano, is structured according to the most up to date organization models and with the basic principle of obtaining an optimum performance at all levels, from decision to execution.
First Level
(Below the board of directors) The Main Office and the two branches are well defined and are made up of qualifed and experimented personnel with specific responsabilities within the productive system of the Company. Also within the same level, we point out the Quality, Safety and Environmental Committees; along with the Resources, Construction Work, Administrative, Architecture and Engineering Department.
Second Level
This corresponds to the subdivision of the different departments indicated above. Each branch utilices the same organization chart and distribution of areas.
Implement, disseminate and perfect the Quality Assurance System in the work, under regulation ISO 9001:2008.
Safety And Health
Control the performance as to Risk Prevention in theWorkplace, in addtion to implementation and dissemination of the Internal Prevention Service (IPP).
Implement, maintain and utilize the Environmental Management System, certified under ISO 14001:2004 regulations, to diminish the environmental impacts that may arise in the construction work.
Arquitecture and Engineering
This department stands out as it is formed by highly qualified personnel with ample experience in all types of projects that subsequently have been executed by the company.
This department reaches an equilibrium with reference to the necessities of the personnel, order of the financial economic matters and anticipates the acquisition of different machinery and equipment.
Construction Work
Supervises the correct execution of the construction work, as well as the study and licitation of new projects. The Warehouse is also included and is fundamental in controlling the incoming and outgoing material and machinery.
Here we include General Services, Administrative Personnel, Premises, Accounting, Computer Resources and Equipment, Records, etc…